Naftuli Moster
Naftuli Moster

Articles by 

Naftuli Moster


Haredi advocacy group OJPAC has closed for now. Its founder explains why

Yossi Gestetner, once called “one of the smartest public relations guys in New York City,” is pivoting to business consulting.


Yeshiva teacher accused of grabbing a 10-year-old student by the neck and dragging him up stairs mulls deal

Prosecutor: Lakewood yeshiva abuse case must be free from “undue pressure or threats” from rabbis.


Rabbi of major Satmar faction pledges support for Republican Congressmember Marc Molinaro

Molinaro faces Democrat Josh Riley for New York’s 19th district in the November elections.


The flashy Lakewood ‘Cyberambulance’ is not what you think

Hatzulas Nefashos will use its Tesla Cybertruck “to get to a scene quicker,” plus, it’s more kosher for saving lives on Shabbat.


Shlomo Franklin: Farm boy, Haredi Jew, Country singer

“I love being Jewish… It's not lost on me that so many of the great songwriters are Jews."


New York State adopts emergency regulation aimed at combating fraud in special education, despite Haredi opposition

The State Education Department cited "questionable practices" uncovered in a review of due process hearings for special education services.


How a campaign of unfounded rumors overturned Ramapo’s Hispanic-run taxi industry

By spreading allegations about non-Jewish taxi drivers assaulting female passengers, a group of Haredi activists in Rockland created a lucrative vacuum for Haredi-owned companies to fill


IDF soldier and scion of anti-Zionist Satmar dynasty joins ‘Mislaibeled’ podcast for wide-ranging conversation

Chaim Meisels, the great-grandson of the previous Satmar rebbe, spoke to podcast host Laibel Weiner about joining the IDF, fighting in Gaza post-Oct. 7, Israeli politics, and more


Agudath Israel and other Orthodox leaders rebuke Senator Schumer for his anti-Netanyahu speech

Schumer’s speech on the senate floor called for new Israeli elections and for removing Netanyahu as prime minister of Israel


Monticello mayor targets Haredi political operative in sting operation, feigning a quid pro quo solicitation

Working with the Sullivan County DA, Monticello mayor George Nikolados demanded Yermia Solomon deliver Haredi votes in exchange for a police job


Fact-check: ‘Der Blatt’ publishes fake letter from state police about lights and sirens

The fraudulent document, which had circulated on social media, claimed to be about an “enforcement initiative” from the New York State Police


Sinister ploy by conspiracy theorist filmmaker targets activist and victim of child sexual abuse

Manny Waks, a renowned Jewish activist, gave a moving interview on camera about his experiences as a victim of child sexual abuse. The filmmakers used it to advance a lie about the 770 excavations