

Pilot program teaches Brooklyn public school kids about Satmar, other Haredi communities and customs

New curriculum teaches students about Satmar gender segregation, yeshivas, and kosher standards in effort to combat hate.


‘Earthquake in the Haredi education system’ Some yeshivas in Israel will start offering more secular education

The Mamach curriculum comes with government funding, but avoids subjects that are considered taboo.


New York State adopts emergency regulation aimed at combating fraud in special education, despite Haredi opposition

The State Education Department cited "questionable practices" uncovered in a review of due process hearings for special education services.


Departing YAFFED director says work ‘triggered’ her and ‘made rest almost impossible’

Beatrice Weber is the mother of 10 children who attended Hasidic schools.


Satmar schoolteacher dragged 10-year-old boy up flight of stairs by the neck

Police said that Mendel Furst, a teacher at a Satmar yeshiva in Lakewood, left the boy with “scratches and bruising” before the boy fled home for safety.

New Square

Speaker Johnson to New Square: We’ll fight for religious education ‘with every ounce of energy we have’

Johnson visited New Square alongside Congressman Mike Lawler ahead of the upcoming general election.


New York State court rules that government can withdraw aid from failing yeshivas

Appellate division overrules Supreme Court to empower the state to stop serving private schools that won’t improve secular education.


He went to a festival on a Friday afternoon and woke up in a hospital Emergency Room on Tuesday

A life-threatening overdose sheds light on the potential risks to Haredi and formerly-Haredi festival-goers.


New Jersey legislators scrap bill that would’ve helped fund private school tuition

The bill faced opposition from groups that advocate for public schools and civil liberties.


Haredi and political leaders at odds over possible East Ramapo school district takeover

New bill would give the state authority to raise taxes and increase the district’s school budget.


Rockland Haredi girls' school, haven for nonconformists and misfits, shutters suddenly

“Girls were crying. It was a chaos,” one parent said.


Congressman Mike Lawler to deliver Touro commencement address, get honorary doctorate

Touro praised the congressman's stances on education and Israel.