

‘Could’ve killed someone’: New details emerge in arrest of Lakewood philanthropist Moshe Tress

Using his property as a private shooting range, the Haredi donor and activist shocked neighbors after a bullet from his gun hit an area where a child had been playing


Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon, revered Lakewood mashgiach, passes away at 86

Beloved by many after a tenure of three decades, his funeral was expected to draw tens of thousands

Haredi Life

Year end reflections on Shtetl’s first ten months of reporting: the top issues of 2023

With the intimate familiarity of insiders but free from the usual top-down oversight of Haredi media, we reported on everything from the Satmar rebbe's bragging about deceiving legislators to Agudah's efforts to keep the Times from winning a Pulitzer


Satmar community touts 24,000 students in flagship school systems, highlighting rapid growth and its broader impact

Figures align with broader estimates of Haredi growth rates, which have resulted in a global population of 2.1 million, approximately one-third of which live in the NYC metro region


Lakewood philanthropist Moshe Tress arrested for illegally shooting an AR-15 assault rifle

Tress fired the high-powered, semi-automatic weapon near a busy county road, “recklessly” creating “a risk of widespread injury,” according to the arrest warrant


Haredi children’s magazine blurs image of Nikki Haley

Five presidential hopefuls are shown on the debate stage — but the only woman in the photo is blurred


Large numbers of Haredim join thousands of all stripes at DC rally to support Israel

Bus caravans arrived from Brooklyn, NY, and Lakewood, NJ, but some Haredim stayed away — with one rabbi calling the rally "anti-productive"


In historic shift, large groups of Haredim expected at pro-Israel rally in DC on Tuesday

Agudath Israel and Chabad-Lubavitch organizations in Crown Heights have thrown their support behind the event