

Process of improving secular education in Haredi yeshivas falls behind schedule

Three yeshivas got extensions for submitting their remediation plans


New York City Council members push for private school vouchers

Members of the council’s “Common-Sense Caucus” support the bill


Agudath Israel raises $10 million in 48 hours

Campaign touts Agudah’s yeshiva advocacy, launched on anniversary of NYT investigation of Haredi schools


Will the Belzer Rabbi's education reform in Israel have an effect on schools in New York?

“This is all being done for financial greed,” a NY Satmar publication wrote


Deadline extended for first step in private school enforcement measures

NYSED did not say whether this delay would affect further efforts to determine whether the schools are meeting state standards


Enrollment has boomed in New York Haredi schools – especially Hasidic ones, report finds

Hasidic schools added over 55,000 students from 2000 to 2021


What you need to know about the new state guidelines affecting Haredi schools

The guidance "seeks to address several questions which are likely to arise," but some questions remain.


New York State Education Department releases guidelines on private school regulations

The guidelines will be used to help determine compliance of Haredi schools


Hasidic comedian interviews convicted child sex offender, receives polarized response

Follow up interviews with experts on sexual abuse apply a critical lens to the perpetrator’s story